7 Things to Do Before Bringing Home a New Puppy



Bringing home a new puppy can be very exciting, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. And if you’ve never had to care for a new puppy before, it can be downright overwhelming.

But, by being prepared and making sure that you have all of the necessary essentials, you can ensure a smooth and lovely homecoming experience. Interested in learning more? Continue reading and we’ll walk you through everything that you need to do before you bring that new puppy home.


1. Safe Places to Sleep and Play

Whether you’re bringing home your own real-life teddy bear dog or a lovable mutt, you should get a playpen and crate for your new puppy. Until your puppy learns how to behave in a house, it will need a safe and confined space that it can call its own.

You probably won’t need to have this playpen for more than a year. Plus, this is seriously going to help prevent your puppy from peeing everywhere and chewing up all of your furniture. 

Many people are under the assumption that a crate needs to be big in order to be effective. However, this simply isn’t true.

Your puppy’s crate really just has to be big enough so that it can comfortably stand and turn around. All you really have to do is buy a crate that can fit the adult-sized version of your dog and then use dividers to make the size more appropriate for your puppy.


2. A Good Supply of Healthy Treats and Food 

Dog nutrition is complex. In fact, it might be even more complicated than human nutrition.

There are a huge variety of dog foods out there and it can be confusing to navigate. To start, ask the current owner of the puppy what they’ve been feeding it. You want to put in place a slow transition to whatever new food you choose, otherwise, your pup could experience gastro upset.

Ask a veterinarian for their recommendations as well. Remember, price doesn’t necessarily equate to quality.

Puppies usually need to at least eat three times a day. So make sure that you’re not underfeeding your dog. A healthy puppy will eat when it’s hungry and then stop when it’s full.


3. A Durable Leash and Collar

You should get a leash and collar that are appropriately sized for the age and breed of your dog. With puppies, it’s recommended that you get an adjustable collar since they’ll grow out of it quickly.

You should examine the collar regularly to make sure that it’s in good condition and that it fits well. You should be able to fit two fingers through the collar. The collar shouldn’t be too tight but you don’t want it to be so loose that it slips over your dog’s head.

Similar to the collar, it’s recommended that you get a leash that’s appropriate for your dog’s size. Rope leashes are comfortable and strong. If your puppy likes to chew the leash, consider getting a chain one.

A standard leather leash should be saddle soaped or oiled so that it’s kept supple and clean.


4. Chew Toys and Play Toys

Puppies love to sleep. In fact, they can very easily 18-20 hours per day. But they’re also both curious and intelligent. 

And when you’re puppy is up and awake, they’re ready to play and explore. In order to keep your dog mentally stimulated, provide her with plenty of toys that incorporate a variety of shapes, sounds, and textures. These early interactions can make a big difference in how your puppy grows and learns. 

Right after weaning, puppies start chewing. During the teething stage, they only chew more.

They can even go their whole lives with a desire to chew. This is why buying chew toys is so crucial.

Consider getting hollow toys so that you stick peanut butter or cheese in them.


5. ID Tags

If your puppy gets lost, it probably won’t be able to find its way back. This is why it’s so important that you get some kind of identifier for your dog.

Get an ID tag that’s easy to read. The tag should have the name of your puppy, your surname, and your contact information. Don’t think that just because your dog is confined to a playpen that it can’t escape. 


6. Water and Food Bowls

Water and food bowls are total necessities from the very start. Consider buying non-slip bowls so that you don’t get too many spills. And elevated bowls can make eating more comfortable for your dog.

Stone and stainless steel bowls are good options because they’re dishwasher safe and easy to clean.


7. Toy Box

Before you know it, your house could quickly become a total mess that’s filled to the brim with dog toys. In order to keep your home free of clutter, get yourself a shallow and large dog toy storage box. 

Keep the box in a place that’s easy to get to. This way, when you have people over, it will be easy for everyone to play with your puppy.


The Importance of Knowing What to Do Before Bringing Home a New Puppy

Bringing home a new puppy comes with a lot of responsibility. But, if you do it right, your puppy will love you unconditionally and you’ll have a beautiful friendship. Make sure that you follow all of the advice listed above in order to provide the best start for your new best friend.

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original article:  https://bit.ly/35fX4L7

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